Menu Logic K-12
Our business is school nutrition.
MenuLogic K12 is designed by an experienced school nutrition professional, FOR school nutrition professionals. It was created with a passion and drive to make better informed decisions (and to help others do the same). We are in a unique position to understand the problems you face, because we face them ourselves.
This isn’t a problem solved by spreadsheets.
After years of frustration trying to create systems, spreadsheets, or use other software applications without success, we set out to create an application like no other. A whole new approach…skip the complicated setup and get directly to the information you need, provided to you in a format that you can easily use and immediately see results.
Your answers are waiting for you.
MenuLogic K12 is the answer to so many of those “How can I figure this out” questions we know you have…because we had them too.

Case Study Summary

Menu Intelligence Software

Detailed Case Study

Reach out to learn more about MenuLogic K-12
connect@menulogic-k12.com | 888-543-6501